Beleid en Maatschappij


Migranten en de erfenis van de verzuiling in Nederland

Een analyse van de invloed van de verzuiling op het Nederlandse migrantenbeleid (circa 1970-heden)

Auteurs Marcel Hoogenboom en Peter Scholten

Marcel Hoogenboom
Marcel Hoogenboom is universitair docent aan de faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen van de Universiteit Utrecht. Correspondentiegegevens: Dr. M. Hoogenboom Universiteit Utrecht Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen Algemene Sociale Wetenschappen Heidelberglaan 2, de Uithof 3584 CS Utrecht

Peter Scholten
Peter Scholten is universitair docent aan de faculteit Management en Bestuur van de Universiteit Twente. Correspondentiegegevens: Dr. P. Scholten Universiteit Twente Faculteit Management en Bestuur Vakgroep Maatschappelijke Risico's en Veiligheid Postbus 217 7500 AE Enschede
  • Samenvatting

      It is often claimed, that there is a clear relationship between the Dutch experience with the 'pillarization' of national minorities in the nineteenth and twentieth century, and the 'integration' of ethnic minorities in Dutch society by government policies since the 1970s. This claim has never been substantiated though. In this article, the relationship is examined systematically on the basis of an analytical distinction between the 'organizational principles' and the 'rules of the game' of pillarization. It is concluded that traces of the organizational principles and the rules of the game of pillarization can, indeed, clearly be found in the minority policies of the 1970s and 1980s, but that since the early 1990s a process of 'de-pillarization' of government policies has set in. The article shows that in the early twenty-first century the experience with pillarization can hardly be traced in the minority policies.

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