Laura Mulder
Dr. Laura Mulder is postdoctoraal onderzoeker politicologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Paula Thijs
Dr. Paula Thijs is senior onderzoeker aan het Atria kennisinstituut voor emancipatie en vrouwengeschiedenis.

Frank Wanders
Dr. Frank Wanders is senior onderzoeker bij ProDemos.

Boris van den Berg
Boris van den Berg is docent-onderzoeker politicologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Chaïm La Roi
Dr. Chaïm la Roi is senior onderzoeker voor het Planbureau Fryslân.

Hester Mennes
Dr. Hester Mennes is postdoctoraal onderzoeker bij de afdeling politicologie van de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Carmen van Alebeek
Carmen van Alebeek is promovendus aan de afdeling politicologie van de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Jaap van Slageren
Dr. Jaap van Slageren is universitair docent human geography and spatial planning aan Utrecht University.

Tom van der Meer
Prof. dr. Tom van der Meer is hoogleraar politicologie, in het bijzonder legitimiteit, ongelijkheid en burgerschap, aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Herman van de Werfhorst
Prof. dr. Herman van de Werfhorst is hoogleraar sociologie aan het European University Institute.

Geert ten Dam
Prof. dr. Geert ten Dam is hoogleraar onderwijskunde aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Concerns exist that young citizens attach less importance to democracy compared to older citizens, yet comprehensive insight into how the young perceive and value democracy is scarce. Given that adolescence is a formative period for political attitudes, this is a pivotal life phase to examine how adolescents’ democratic support develops – especially in relation to education, which is an important driver of political attitudes. This study presents data from the Dutch Adolescent Panel on Democratic Values (DAPDV) study that follows adolescents during lower secondary education in the Netherlands. Findings reveal that Dutch adolescents largely embrace democratic values like freedom of speech, and support for representative or direct democracy. Interestingly, political and institutional trust show a decline, which can signal that support for politicians is not unconditional. From the beginning of secondary education, results show persistent educational differences in support for democratic values. This echoes existing educational cleavage in Dutch society regarding democratic support. These findings suggest that differences in democratic commitment manifest prior to secondary education and originate in students’ social and cultural backgrounds. The question remains whether secondary education perpetuates or diminishes these disparities, underlining the importance of future longitudinal research.

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