Beleid en Maatschappij


De Collectieve Horeca Ontzegging: uitsluiting uit de publieke ruimte?

Trefwoorden Responsibilization, Collective Pub Ban, Selective exclusion, Security, Public space
Auteurs Dr. mr. Marc Schuilenburg en Dr. Ronald van Steden

Dr. mr. Marc Schuilenburg
Dr. mr. Marc Schuilenburg is universitair docent aan de afdeling Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. E-mail:

Dr. Ronald van Steden
Dr. Ronald van Steden is universitair docent aan de afdeling Politicologie & Bestuurswetenschappen van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      The article provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of the Night Time Economy and how the Collective Pub Ban is applied in three Dutch cities: Utrecht, Amersfoort and Den Bosch. The Collective Pub Ban is a measure taken in the Netherlands in an effort to make pubs, bars and clubs co-responsible for maintaining security. Depending on the severity of the conduct, an offender can be denied of entry to these venues for five years. During this period, the offender is not allowed to enter the particular pub or any of the other pubs, bars and clubs that participate in this measure. On the basis of 84 interviews, we show how these venues fill out their new responsibilities with respect to the Collective Pub Ban-measure. Also, we answer the question what this new measure means for the quality of the public space.

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