Beleid en Maatschappij


Sociale zekerheid in 2025

Trefwoorden future social security, labour participation, economic growth, cutbacks Rutte 2
Auteurs Flip de Kam

Flip de Kam
Flip de Kam is honorair hoogleraar Economie van de Publieke Sector, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen,
  • Samenvatting

      The reform of the Dutch welfare state is an ongoing process, that jumpstarted in the early 1980s. We chart demographic trends and prospects for economic growth up to year 2025. Our search for options to strenghten the economic base of the welfare state leads on to a discussion of tax-benefit measures to increase labour participation and to incentivise part-timeworkers to accept fulltime jobs. We conclude that, all in all, by 2025 the number of workers in de Dutch economy will not differ significantly from the current size of the labour force, whereas the scope to improve labour productivity seems to be limited. Given these limits to the prospects for future economic growth – even with the standard pension age at 67 years, planned to be in force as from 2021 –, our economy will have to support at least half a million more pensioners and an as yet unknown additional number of elderly unemployed and disabled. It follows, that further reforms of the social security system of the Netherlands can be expected, as public sector outlays claim currently already half of national output.

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