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Beleid en Maatschappij

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Aflevering 1, 2012 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen


Auteurs Ewald Engelen

Ewald Engelen
Ewald Engelen is voorzitter van de redactie van Beleid en Maatschappij.

Vluchten in bureaucratie

Bureaucratische gehechtheid onder professionals in de jeugdhulpverlening

Trefwoorden professionalism, youth care, accountability, bureaucracy, marketization
Auteurs Drs. Daniel van Hassel, Prof. dr. Evelien Tonkens en Drs. Marc Hoijtink

    In recent decades, professionals in the public sector have been faced with increasingly detailed demands concerning accountability and performance. It is often argued that this increased accountability and its bureaucratic pressures limit professionals’ discretionary space and autonomy. However, this critique is hardly based on empirical research on the experiences and perceptions of professionals themselves. In this article we present an investigation into these perceptions and experiences with accountability in one particular brand of the public sector, namely youth care.
    Our research indicates that professionals in youth care are hardly interested in greater autonomy or discretion. They rather want clarity, security and options for learning. Moreover, we found ‘bureaucratic attachment’: attachment to bureaucratic procedures particularly as a reaction to increased fears to be sued when something goes wrong with clients. In the recurrent arguments for reduction of bureaucracy, this other face of bureaucracy is often disregarded.
    Regarding working conditions however, the professionals we interviewed do want more discretion. Especially concerning occupation of beds, as the requirement for permanent occupation is viewed to augment risk. We therefore argue for better backing of professionals in youth, for a more precise battle against unnecessary bureaucracy, and for professionalization in order to handle more discretion.

Drs. Daniel van Hassel
Daniel van Hassel is socioloog en als onderzoeker verbonden aan het Nederlands instituut voor onderzoek van de gezondheidszorg (NIVEL), waar hij zich bezighoudt met het thema beroepen in de gezondheidszorg,

Prof. dr. Evelien Tonkens
Evelien Tonkens is bijzonder hoogleraar actief burgerschap bij de afdeling Sociologie en Antropologie van de Universiteit van Amsterdam en toezichthouder van Meander Medisch Centrum te Amersfoort,

Drs. Marc Hoijtink
Marc Hoijtink is socioloog en onderzoeker aan Kenniscentrum Maatschappij en Recht van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, waar hij zich bezighoudt met de thema’s sociaal beleid en professionaliseringsvraagstukken,

Overlappende waarden, wederzijdse vooroordelen

Empirisch onderzoek naar de mores van politieagenten en particuliere beveiligers

Trefwoorden policing, security, public-private values, professional motivation
Auteurs Dr. Zeger van der Wal, Dr. Ronald van Steden en Dr. Karin Lasthuizen

    The private security sector is rapidly growing and their operations more and more comprise policing and public order maintenance, tasks which to date have been government’s primary responsibility. Some fear this development because the private sector is characterized by market values as profitability and efficiency instead of public sector values such as lawfulness and impartiality, putting the quality of public safety at risk. In this article the professional values, norms and motivations of police officers and private security employees in the Netherlands are compared on the basis of a standardized survey. The main conclusion is that there are large differences in how both groups perceive each other, however the underlying professional morale is actually more similar than different.

Dr. Zeger van der Wal
Zeger van der Wal is universitair docent bestuurswetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,

Dr. Ronald van Steden
Ronald van Steden is universitair docent bestuurswetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Dr. Karin Lasthuizen
Karin Lasthuizen is universitair hoofddocent bestuurswetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Weinig vreemde handen aan de Nederlandse bedden

Arbeidsmigranten in de ouderenzorg in vergelijkend perspectief

Trefwoorden migrant care work, The Netherlands, elderly care, labour migration, care policy
Auteurs Dr. Franca van Hooren

    In many European countries immigrants play an important role as employees in the elderly care sector. They are employed by a care providing organisation, or directly by a family as private care assistant. By contrast, in the Netherlands such a development is hardly visible. This article investigates why relatively few migrant workers are employed in Dutch elderly care. The Dutch situation is compared with developments in Italy, Great Britain and Austria. I assess explanations based on demand side, supply side and cultural factors and conclude that especially the large public investments in Dutch elderly care can explain the limited demand for migrant workers. A restrictive immigration policy and language and historical factors play only a minor role. Whether a larger demand for migrant workers will emerge in the future, therefore depends on developments in public elderly care policy.

Dr. Franca van Hooren
Franca van Hooren is postdoctoraal onderzoeker aan de universiteit van Bremen. Zij doet onderzoek naar de gevolgen van de economische crisis voor de verzorgingsstaat,

De tucht der wetenschap

Veranderingstheorieën van polarisatie- en radicalismebeleid op de proef gesteld

Trefwoorden polarization, radicalization, evaluation research, theory-driven evaluation, social policy
Auteurs Drs. Vasco Lub

    Currently the Dutch government funds dozens of social interventions designed to tackle polarization and radicalization issues. It is still unknown whether the assumptions underlying these interventions are valid. This article puts the theories of change of such interventions to the test. Underlying causal assumptions of four dominant Dutch social policies were confronted with scientific evidence: (1) the system-based approach, (2) peer mediation, (3) intergroup contact and (4) self-esteem enhancement. System-based approaches – comparable to multi-systemic therapy (MST) – seem effective in reducing extremist behaviour in radical youth, but do not necessarily lead to an ideological change. In peer mediation, the causal link between the deployment of young people and the positive outcomes of such methods remains unclear. Peer mediation is also more likely to contribute in conflicts that have not yet escalated. Intergroup contact reduces prejudices about other groups, but has a limited effect. There is also no evidence for a long term effect and positive outcomes of intergroup contact do not automatically apply to adolescents. Finally, it is questionable that enhancing the self-esteem of (moslim) youth makes them more resilient against radical tendencies. In the same vein, the scientific evidence is ambiguous about whether increasing self-esteem results in social desirable behaviour or improved social relations.

Drs. Vasco Lub
Vasco Lub is zelfstandig onderzoeker (Bureau voor Sociale Argumentatie). Hij is daarnaast als buitenpromovendus verbonden aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (capaciteitsgroep Sociologie), waar hij een proefschrift voorbereidt over de bewijsvoering van grootstedelijk sociaal beleid,

    Reflection and Debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Imrat Verhoeven
Imrat Verhoeven is redactielid van Beleid en Maatschappij.

Fysieke veiligheid en de kunst van evenwichtigheid

Auteurs Jelle van Aanholt en Prof. dr. ir. Marjolein van Asselt

    Reflection and Debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Jelle van Aanholt
Jelle van Aanholt is masterstudent wijsbegeerte aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en stagiair bij de WRR.

Prof. dr. ir. Marjolein van Asselt
Marjolein van Asselt is lid van de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid en hoogleraar risk governance aan de Universiteit Maastricht.

Veiligheid is ook niet alles

Auteurs Prof. dr. Margo Trappenburg

    Reflection and Debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Prof. dr. Margo Trappenburg
Margo Trappenburg is universitair hoofddocent bij de Utrechtse School voor Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschappen en bijzonder hoogleraar op de Drees leerstoel (Universiteit van Amsterdam).

Hiërarchische herregulering

De nieuwe risicoaanpak van de WRR

Auteurs Dr. Duco Bannink en Dr. Ringo Ossewaarde

    In this feature authors review recently published books on subjects of interest to readers of Beleid en Maatschappij.

Dr. Duco Bannink
Duco Bannink is universitair docent governance studies aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Dr. Ringo Ossewaarde
Ringo Ossewaarde is universitair hoofddocent sociologie aan de Universiteit Twente.

    In this feature authors review recently published books on subjects of interest to readers of Beleid en Maatschappij.

Dr. Stijn Verhagen
Stijn Verhagen is lector participatie en maatschappelijke ontwikkeling aan de Hogeschool Utrecht.

    In a column a journal editor or an author expresses his or her opinion on a particular subject.

Ewald Engelen
Ewald Engelen is voorzitter van de redactie van Beleid en Maatschappij.