
Beleid en Maatschappij

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Aflevering 2, 2011 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

In dit nummer

Trefwoorden Editorial
Auteurs Ewald Engelen

    This editorial offers an introduction to the current issue.

Ewald Engelen
Ewald Engelen is voorzitter van de redactie van Beleid en Maatschappij.

De investeringsstaat en het verdelingsvraagstuk: waarom is de armoede niet gedaald?

Trefwoorden welfare state, poverty, inequality, new social risks, labour market, income protection
Auteurs Bea Cantillon en Wim Van Lancker

    In the past decades, employment and incomes were on the rise, social spending remained high while passive welfare states were progressively transformed into so-called ‘investment states’. Despite these favourable conditions, however, contemporary welfare states did not succeed in reducing poverty and inequality. What lies beneath the disquieting poverty standstill and how did welfare states miss this ‘window of opportunity’? In this article, we aim to shed more light on this question. We identify three structural trends behind the poverty standstill: rising employment has benefited workless households only partially; income protection for the working-age population out of work has become less adequate; social policies and, more generally, social redistribution have become less pro-poor. In other words, the reorientation of social expenditures to the employed occurred at the expense of those at risk in the labour market. The success of future poverty-reducing strategies will depend on the way policies aimed at labour market inclusion will be implemented and the emphasis on redistributive policies.

Bea Cantillon
Bea Cantillon is directeur van het Centrum voor Sociaal Beleid Herman Deleeck van de faculteit Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen, Universiteit Antwerpen. Correspondentiegegevens: prof. dr. B. Cantillon, Centrum voor Sociaal Beleid Herman Deleeck, Faculteit Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen, Universiteit Antwerpen, Sint-Jacobstraat 2 - B-2000 Antwerpen, bea.cantillon@ua.ac.be.

Wim Van Lancker
Wim Van Lancker is onderzoeker aan het Centrum voor Sociaal Beleid Herman Deleeck van de faculteit Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen, Universiteit Antwerpen. Correspondentiegegevens: Wim Van Lancker, Centrum voor Sociaal Beleid Herman Deleeck, Faculteit Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen, Universiteit Antwerpen, Sint-Jacobstraat 2 - B-2000 Antwerpen, wim.vanlancker@ua.ac.be.

Allochtoon als metafoor en categorie

Over de handelingsimplicaties van beleidstaal

Trefwoorden category making, administrative practices, migrants, integration policy, race/ethnicity
Auteurs Marleen van der Haar en Dvora Yanow

    This paper offers a critical empirical analysis of the policy terms ‘allochtoon’ and ‘autochtoon’, which have been used in Dutch public policy and administrative practices in recent years, as well as in general public discourse, to distinguish between people with a migrant background and those with a so-called native background on the basis of birthplace. Taking an interpretive policy analysis perspective, we present metaphor and category analyses to show the determining role that ‘place of origin’ has in the policy terms. The analysis includes a historical contextualization of the categories within Dutch policy discourse. The metaphor analysis focuses on the etymology of the terms, and the category analysis examines the taxonomy used by Statistics Netherlands since 1999. The role of ‘place’, and in particular country or land of birth, in these etymologies and taxonomies link to elements from ancient racial thinking, showing that ‘birthplace’ is a surrogate for race in this policy discourse. The analysis leads us to argue that the terms are inherently exclusive and that the exclusive work that the essentialist categories do is in marked contrast to the policy goal of integration.

Marleen van der Haar
Marleen van der Haar is postdoc onderzoeker en docent aan het Institute for Management Research, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Correspondentiegegevens: dr. M. van der Haar, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, afdeling Politicologie, Thomas van Aquinostraat 5.1.32, 6500 HK Nijmegen, m.vanderhaar@fm.ru.nl.

Dvora Yanow
Dvora Yanow is visiting professor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Verantwoordelijke vrijheid: responsabilisering van burgers op voorwaarden van de staat

Trefwoorden governance, responsibilisation, political discourse, politics, public administration
Auteurs Rik Peeters en Gerard Drosterij

    Behind many notions of ‘governance’, there lies the image of a ‘modest’ or ‘retreating’ state. The assumption is that local and national authorities can only perform effectively if in cooperation with other public and private actors. Generally, it is said, governments increasingly lack the legitimacy for top-down interventions and hence the need of including participative citizen involvement in policy making and implementation. In recent years this democratic image has been disputed in scientific debates because of its lack of attention for new forms of interventionism by the state in societal processes, e.g. crime, youth care, immigration and integration. In this article, we aim to contribute to this other understanding of modern governance by analysing Dutch political discourse between 2001 and 2010 on (implicit) notions of the role and responsibility of the state. We show how the idea of ‘responsibilisation’ of citizens is turned into an argument for more instead of less state involvement in societal processes and citizens’ lives. By emphasizing ‘shared responsibilities’ between government and society, a tricky picture of parity is sketched of this relation. Dutch government presents itself as ‘an ally’ of citizens in fighting pressing social problems, but in the meantime an ideal of ‘responsible behaviour’ is constructed, namely, citizen behaviour in concordance with government’s policy ambitions. Within this political discourse, the socio-liberal idea of ‘responsibility’ turns into ‘responsibilisation on government’s terms’ and ‘irresponsible’ behaviour becomes a legitimate focal point for deep state interventions through techniques of governance.

Rik Peeters
Rik Peeters is onderzoeker en promovendus bij de Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur. Correspondentiegegevens: drs. R. Peeters, Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur, Lange Voorhout 17, 2514 EB Den Haag, peeters@nsob.nl.

Gerard Drosterij
Gerard Drosterij is onderzoeker bij de Tilburgse School voor Politiek en Bestuur.

Het falende veld van ondersteuning bij ongelijke behandeling

Trefwoorden equal treatment, work, social protection, retaliation, interorganizational field
Auteurs Marieke van Genugten en Jörgen Svensson

    There are many different ways in which employees may choose to address unequal treatment at work. They may do so themselves, in an informal or formal manner on the work floor. They may also, at some stage in the dispute, decide to involve specialized advisers such as legal advisers, anti-discrimination officers, health and safety executives and labour unions. It is generally assumed that consulting such specialized advisers will help the employee to address unequal treatment more successfully. In this paper, the effectiveness of the interorganizational field of specialized advisers is analyzed on the basis of an elaborate study among different types of respondents. The main finding is that fear of retaliation plays a crucial role in seeking and receiving specialized advice and that the existing interorganizational field broadly fails to cope with this fear. To resolve this issue, the field needs an improved governance structure with better co-ordination between different types of advisers.

Marieke van Genugten
Marieke van Genugten is universitair docent bestuurskunde aan het Institute for Management Research, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Correspondentiegegevens: dr. M.L. van Genugten, Institute for Management Research, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Thomas van Aquinostraat 5, 6525 GD Nijmegen, Postbus 9108, 6500 HK Nijmegen, m.vangenugten@fm.ru.nl.

Jörgen Svensson
Jörgen Svensson is universitair docent sociologie aan het Institute for Innovation and Governance Studies, Universiteit Twente.

Voorbij het RSV-trauma: nieuw industriebeleid?

Trefwoorden Discussion
Auteurs Monique Kremer

    Reflection and Debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Monique Kremer
Monique Kremer is redactielid van Beleid en Maatschappij en verbonden aan de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het regeringsbeleid en de Universiteit van Amsterdam

Slim industriebeleid

Trefwoorden Discussion
Auteurs Dany Jacobs

    Reflection and Debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Dany Jacobs
Dany Jacobs is hoogleraar industriële ontwikkeling en innovatiebeleid aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en lector kunst, cultuur en economie, ArtEZ en HAN, Arnhem. Van 2005 tot 2010 maakte hij deel uit van de Commissie van Wijzen Kennis en Innovatie, die de overheid adviseert over besteding van aardgasbaten (de ‘FES’-gelden, FES = Fonds Economische Structuurversterking) in de kennisinfrastructuur. Correspondentiegegevens: prof. dr. D. Jacobs, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Economics, Dany.Jacobs@uva.nl.

Slimmer industriebeleid

Trefwoorden Discussion
Auteurs Duco Bannink, Marcel Hoogenboom en Willem Trommel

    Reflection and Debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Duco Bannink
Duco Bannink is verbonden aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Correspondentiegegevens: dr. D. Bannink, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, vakgroep Bestuurswetenschappen, De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam, d.b.d.bannink@vu.nl, www.vu.fsw.nl/govact.

Marcel Hoogenboom
Marcel Hoogenboom is verbonden aan de Universiteit van Utrecht.

Willem Trommel
Willem Trommel is verbonden aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Democratic audit

Trefwoorden Case
Auteurs Sarah L. de Lange

    In this feature authors discuss recent research findings that are of interest to readers of Beleid en Maatschappij.

Sarah L. de Lange
Sarah L. de Lange is redactielid van Beleid en Maatschappij.

Een democratic audit in Nederland

Trefwoorden Case
Auteurs Jacques Thomassen en Rudy B. Andeweg

    In this feature authors discuss recent research findings that are of interest to readers of Beleid en Maatschappij.

Jacques Thomassen
Jacques Thomassen is emeritus hoogleraar politicologie aan de Universiteit Twente. Correspondentiegegevens: prof. dr. J.J.A. Thomassen, Universiteit Twente, faculteit Bestuur en Management, Postbus 217, 7500 AE Enschede, J.J.A.Thomassen@utwente.nl.

Rudy B. Andeweg
Rudy B. Andeweg is hoogleraar empirische politicologie aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Meer wil van de meerderheid?

Trefwoorden Case
Auteurs Kees van Kersbergen

    In this feature authors discuss recent research findings that are of interest to readers of Beleid en Maatschappij.

Kees van Kersbergen
Kees van Kersbergen is hoogleraar vergelijkende politicologie aan de Universiteit van Aarhus. Correspondentiegegevens: prof. dr. Kees van Kersbergen, Aarhus University, Department of Political Science, Building 1331, Bartholins Allé 7, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denemarken, kvk@ps.au.dk.

De stille revolutie

Trefwoorden Review, Hervé Juvin
Auteurs Martijn van der Steen

    In this feature authors review recently published books on subjects of interest to readers of Beleid en Maatschappij.

Martijn van der Steen
Martijn van der Steen is co-decaan en adjunct-directeur van de Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur. Hij promoveerde in 2009 op een proefschrift over vergrijzing en houdt zich onder andere bezig met toekomstverkenning en toekomstgericht bestuur. Correspondentiegegevens: dr. M. van der Steen, Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur, Lange Voorhout 17, 2514 EB Den Haag, steen@nsob.nl.

Fact free politics

Trefwoorden Column
Auteurs Ruud Koole

    In a column a journal editor or an author expresses his or her opinion on a particular subject.

Ruud Koole
Ruud Koole is hoogleraar politieke wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Leiden. Hij was vanaf 2000 lid van de redactie van B en M. Op 16 juni 2011 neemt hij afscheid van de redactie.