This article tries to analyse and improve the individual-level approaches to the study of public Euroscepticism in Belgium. In recent literature, three approaches focusing on instrumental, cultural and political cues can be distinguished. First, the utilitarian approach associates Euroscepticism with economic interests. Second, the cultural approach draws on cultural attitudes and affective identities. Third, the political approach associates support for European integration with political effi cacy and institutional trust. Drawing upon Belgian data from the IntUne Project 2007, the results show that negative evaluations of the benefits of European membership, social distrust in European fellow citizens and institutional distrust in the EU are the most important determinants of Euroscepticism, while education, national attachment, exclusive identity and political powerlessness have a minor impact. |

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Article |
Trefwoorden | Euroscepticism, interests, identity, trust |
Auteurs | Koen Abts, Dirk Heerwegh en Marc Swyngedouw |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Article |
Trefwoorden | Belgium, parliament, legislative careers, legislative turnover |
Auteurs | Frederik Verleden en Christophe Heyneman |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This article examines legislative turnover and parliamentary career length in the Belgian Chamber of Representatives since Belgian independence in 1831. Early on a stable representative elite emerged, characterized by a relatively low turnover and an average parliamentary career of nearly ten years. This pattern has changed substantially in the second half of the twentieth century. The average career length in the Chamber is nowadays historically low, due to some extent to the practice of level-hopping. The distribution of career lengths is at the same time highly asymmetrical. The literature on parliamentary careers and turnover suggests three major explanatory variables: regime change, the evolution of political parties and of the institutional framework. In the Belgian case institutional reform and regime change generated merely temporary effects. The same goes for the rise of the organised mass party at the end of the 19th century. The drop in average career length after the Second World War corresponds with a tighter hold of political parties on the selection process of parliamentary candidates. |
Article |
Trefwoorden | Strategic planning, local government, rationalism, logic incrementalism |
Auteurs | Thomas Block, Koenraad De Ceuninck, Herwig Reynaert e.a. |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Nowadays, municipalities form strategies and interact with the challenges and opportunities offered by the context in which they operate. From now on, Flemish municipalities are even obliged by the municipal decree to draw up a multiannual strategic plan (albeit in a transitory phase for the current legislature). That plan must formulate a coordinating strategy for the municipality and must contain guidelines for policy. In our contribution we want to examine on the one hand the particular meaning of this strategic plan for local governments. Which contents are given to these plans? How did these plans came about? What is the further course of these plans? What is the possible infl uence of local finances? Etc. On the other hand, we also want to take a broader look: how do we place the strategic plan in the light of the challenge of broader strategy formulation and decision-making which plays a vital role in contemporary local government? |
Essay |
Auteurs | Herman van Gunsteren |
Auteursinformatie |
Symposium |
Auteurs | Philip van Praag, Peter Van Aelst, Ruud Koole e.a. |
Auteursinformatie |
Book Review |
Auteurs | Rien Rouw |
Auteursinformatie |