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Aflevering 5, 1974 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Access_open Encore les cabinets ministériels

Auteurs Baron Snoy et d'Oppuers

    The ministerial cabinets are growing in number and in cost. They constitute a nuisance for the good functioning of the civil service. However, there is a functional necessity for the Minister to dispose of a reduced personal staff.The suppression of ministerial cabinets would hurt the feelings of the political parties who are eager to use them as a source of power and of influence which they consider as an electoral asset. The only practical solution is to keep under strict control the number of the cabinet members and to convince the political parties that they have a fundamental interest to keep a high standard of functioning for the civil service.

Baron Snoy et d'Oppuers

Access_open Un événement politique méconnu

le congrès libéral progressiste des 29 et 30 mai 1887

Auteurs J. Gaillard

    During the 19th century, the Belgian Liberal Party was frequently divided between its «progressive» or «radical» wing and its conservative majority.Between 1880 and 1900, the program of the progressive liberalism was worked out and stated precisely during seven political meetings.The one hold in 1887 put the headlines into shape, chiefly: big extension of the franchise, compulsory education, disestablishment of the Church. In spite of their small number of members, the progressists were surely most influential upon the adoption of the universal franchise.

J. Gaillard

Access_open M. Spaak et M. Harmel

Dix années de politique étrangère belge, deux hommes, une même politique

Auteurs Luc Desmedt

    P.H. Spaak and P. Harmel originnally were differently indoctrinated. They had very little in common, except that they both were brilliant diplomats. In addition they had the ability to lead Belgiums foreign policy. But due to Belgiums international context, «The continuation» was the most characteristic guidline in both men's successive policy. Owing to the force of circumstances, it is certainly not paradoxical that Belgium's options in the field of foreign policy are in any case limited.

Luc Desmedt

Access_open La guerre des six jours et la presse Française

essai d'analyse

Auteurs Paul Henriet

    The present essay aims at defining the attitude of the French press towards the conflict of May/]une 1967 between Israel and Arab countries.As a thematic analysis of a representative sample of daily, weekly and monthly newspapers, covering bath periods of the preceding diplomatic antagonism and of the actual war, the article comprises a number of quantitative approaches which, as they complement each other, lead to certain conclusions in respect, on the one hand, of the particular newspaper analysed and, on the other hand, of the complete sample under observation. This method makes it possible to bring to light the fundamental pro-Israel and anti-Arab leanings of the sample, as they reflect the pre-existent attitudes of French public opinion. It also reveals that the only pro-Arab and anti-Israel newspaper are those that belang at the far left end of the sample.These factors lead to hypothesize that the disposition which favoured Israel sprung in fact not from any special sympathy towards Jewry, but from a feeling of bond with a mode of civilisation as represented by the Western and pro-Western characteristics of Israel.

Paul Henriet

    Although taking place mainly in the private sector, the French arms industry is a very tightly controlled activity, and decision making on arms exports are made within a general framework which takes info account the chief aspects of France global policy.Mercantile considerations are not the main factor in French arms exports. Actually, France has used very counsciously and systematically its arms exports to further its global policy, especially its ambition to build Europe around itself.However, the effective contribution of these arms exports to the attainment of France main goals has been rather dubious and volatile.

Yohanan Manor

Bernard Cazes