Politics of the Low Countries


Pre-Electoral Trends and Electoral Outcomes: A Polindex Survey Analysis of Luxembourg’s 2023 Elections

Auteurs Agnes Darabos, Nadim Farhat en Philippe Poirier

Agnes Darabos
Agnes Darabos, Postdoctoral researcher, FHSE, University of Luxembourg, Research Chair of Legislative Studies.

Nadim Farhat
Nadim Farhat, Postdoctoral researcher, FHSE, University of Luxembourg, Research Chair of Legislative Studies.

Philippe Poirier
Philippe Poirier, Head of the Chair of Legislative Studies, FHSE, University of Luxembourg, Research Chair of Legislative Studies
  • Samenvatting

      The Political Observatory (Polindex) is a multi-annual sociopolitical study conducted by the Chair of Legislative Studies at the University of Luxembourg. It aims to assess the sociopolitical state of the Grand Duchy in comparison with other European democracies (Germany, France, Italy and the UK). In the spring of 2023, for the first wave of Polindex, we surveyed 1,500 people (1,000 Luxembourgish citizens and 500 foreign residents) who answered a questionnaire comprising approximately 80 questions. The rationale behind the random selection of the participants was to observe Luxembourg’s demographic characteristics. In addition, the random selection took place in a proportional manner by using the demographic characteristics such as age, gender and region of residence. The data collected through surveying were coded and processed in SPSS Statistics. This descriptive analysis based on the processed data focuses on the citizens’ cohort and introduces the sociopolitical context for Luxembourg’s national elections, which took place on 8 October 2023, followed by a demonstration of some key findings of Polindex 2023 that provide a basis for the analysis of electoral dynamics. The article elaborates on the election results in light of these findings, providing a deeper understanding of shifting voting preferences compared to previous elections.

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