

Het initiatief uit handen

Waarom de grootste lokale politieke partij niet altijd in het college belandt en wat partijen daaraan kunnen doen

Auteurs Julien van Ostaaijen, Liesbeth Collignon en Sharise Eski

Julien van Ostaaijen
Dr. J.J.C. van Ostaaijen is lector recht en veiligheid aan de Avans Hogeschool in Den Bosch en universitair docent aan de Tilburgse School voor Politiek en Bestuur van Tilburg University.

Liesbeth Collignon
Drs. L. Collignon is docent bestuurskunde en overheidsmanagement aan de Avans Hogeschool in Den Bosch. Ze studeerde tussen 2001 en 2006 beleids- en organisatiewetenschappen in Tilburg.

Sharise Eski
Mr. S. Eski was tot december 2022 docent recht aan de Avans Hogeschool in Den Bosch. Ze is nu senior adviseur energietransitie bij het Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat. Ze deed een master Public International Law Conflict and Security aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      Every four years in the Netherlands, after the municipal elections, there are an average of twenty local parties (and ten local branches of national parties) that become the largest in their municipality, but do not end up in the coalition. In this study, in which we looked for the main reasons for this, substantive differences between parties and a lack of experience proved only provided a limited explanation. In almost all cases where the largest local party does not participate, (disturbed) political and personal relations between parties are the main reason. Here we have in mind, for example, aldermen who do not work well together, disagreements about certain files or parties, or persons on the council whose political style arouses disgust among other parties and politicians. This emphasis on the importance of political and personal relations leads to some important lessons for political parties who want to avoid being side lined prematurely when forming a local coalition in the future. These can be summarised as investing proactively in relationships with other parties, not underestimating the importance of relationships, guarding against pride and being alert in negotiations.

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