

Lokale en niet-lokale raadsleden: verschillen en overeenkomsten in stijl en focus van representatie

Auteurs Bas Denters

Bas Denters
Prof. dr. S.A.H. Denters is emeritus hoogleraar Bestuurskunde aan de Universiteit Twente, lid van de redactie en voormalig hoofdredacteur van Bestuurswetenschappen.
  • Samenvatting

      The municipal governance model in the Netherlands (as in 2000) is still based on the primacy of a representative body directly elected by the residents. In 2019, among their other duties, councillors attach the utmost importance to the representation of residents. This article focuses on whether ‘local’ councillors and ‘non-local’ councillors differ in their ideas about this important representative role of the city council. When discussing their views on the style and focus of the representation, the satisfaction of council members with the functioning of the municipal council is first discussed. Subsequently, it is also examined how much importance local and non-local councillors attach to a certain style or focus. This provides insight into the role perceptions of council members: which style and focus are important for the proper fulfilment of their representative role? In general it must be concluded that on average the differences between local and non-local councillors discussed here are relatively modest. Nevertheless, in some respects there are some differences in emphasis between the two groups of councillors. For example, it has been established that the representatives of local parties attach slightly more importance to their representative task than other council members.

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