

Lokalo’s in de gemeenteraad: doen ze het anders?

Auteurs Marcel Boogers

Marcel Boogers
Prof. dr. M.J.G.J.A. Boogers is hoogleraar Innovatie en Regionaal Bestuur aan de Universiteit Twente, onderzoeker bij Necker van Naem en hoofdredacteur van Bestuurswetenschappen.
  • Samenvatting

      Despite their differences, local parties in the Netherlands share a strong degree of localism: they focus more than national parties on specific problems in their municipality. However, less is known about the representatives of local parties in the municipal council. The fact that their parties as well as their voters have different views could mean that council members of local parties fulfil their functions in a different way. This article examines the extent to which this is the case. The data from the Dutch Basic Monitor for Political Office Holders (BPA) was used to answer this question. Council members of local parties appear to be less strongly oriented towards their administrative role and to focus more on their representative activities. Compared to council members of national parties, representatives of local parties are generally more critical of the various aspects of local democracy and of the problem-solving capacity of local government. Their more centre-right position in the political spectrum is also reflected in the left-right positioning of their councillors.

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