Jort Kamphuis J.C. Kamphuis MSc is afgestudeerd publiekmanagementstudent aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, met specifieke interesse in HR-vraagstukken binnen de publieke sector. Hij doet nu een master Filosofie van cultuur en bestuur aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
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This contribution concerns a report of an exploratory study into the influence of working from home on the management of those concerned of and by Dutch municipalities. First of all, theoretical expectations have been formulated that deal with the way in which working from home can influence the management of these related parties. To use process tracing as an analysis method, these expectations were operationalized in the methodological framework, so that evidence could be formulated that had to be found in the collected data to demonstrate the mechanism. Subsequently, about twenty structured interviews were held with employees from twenty different municipalities in order to gain insight into the presumed mechanisms. Based on these twenty interviews, it can be concluded that working from home has indeed influenced the management of those concerned by municipalities, but that this has not led to a reduction in the safeguarding of public interests.
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