

Van transitie naar transformatie van de jeugdhulp

Biedt de transactiekostentheorie aanknopingspunten voor meer kwaliteit, minder uitvoeringskosten en lagere administratieve lasten?

Auteurs Drs. Nanko Boerma en Dr. Bert Bröcking

Drs. Nanko Boerma
Drs. N. Boerma is van huis uit politicoloog en is voorzitter/directeur van de stichting Transactieland, het kennisinstituut voor transactie-innovatie.

Dr. Bert Bröcking
Dr. B.C. Bröcking is adviseur op het terrein van de jeugdhulp. Hij schreef over de rollen van cliënt, hulpverlener en overheid in de jeugdhulp.
  • Samenvatting

      In the implementation of the Dutch Youth Act, since the so-called ‘transition’ of 2015 under the responsibility of the municipalities, there are three major problems: the municipalities are short of money, the implementation of youth aid is accompanied by high administrative burdens and there are serious quality concerns, especially where different care providers must work together for one client. This article deals with the possibilities of the economic transaction cost theory for realizing improvements through organizing more effective collaboration between municipalities and healthcare providers. Transactions are a ‘forgotten’ cost source. There are three sources of transaction costs: limited rationality, opportunistic behavior and ‘asset specificity.’ In this article the authors analyze twelve problems documented in the literature on youth care from this perspective. This creates a framework from which municipalities can tackle these problems in order to improve the quality of youth care, to keep costs under control and to reduce the administrative burden. In a number of sectors and large projects ‘linking zones’ appear to be a way to increase the trust between players in a chain, so that transaction costs fall. Where poor cooperation between chain partners in youth care is a major cause of the problems, municipalities can make significant gains by establishing linking zones with care providers contracted by them. This article outlines the method in a linking zone.

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