

Gezag van wethouders in deze tijd

Als bestuurder werken vanuit de kernwaarden integriteit, vertrouwen, oprechtheid, rechtvaardigheid

Trefwoorden Local politics, Alderman, Trust, Authority, Integrity
Auteurs Jocko Rensen

Jocko Rensen
  • Samenvatting

      Today’s aldermen work in several different environments. They should reckon with society but also with local council, the municipal organisation, the mayor and fellow aldermen. The tasks are very clear, but how an alderman completes these tasks is very personal. For alderman Rensen his authority starts with trust. Personal and sincere relationships are the key for Rensen. His goal is to connect society to local politics and reduce the gap between the two. It is of great importance to be aware of your position and authority as an alderman. By means of this essay, he would like to give you a glimpse into his world as a social-demoratic alderman and the way in which he applies his core values in his daily work.

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