

Informatieveiligheid: de digitale veerkracht van Nederlandse overheden

Trefwoorden cybersecurity, information chains, law, accountability
Auteurs Dr. mr. Anne de Hingh en Prof. mr. Arno R. Lodder

Dr. mr. Anne de Hingh

Prof. mr. Arno R. Lodder
  • Samenvatting

      Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly vulnerable. DDos attacks, phishing e-mails, ransomware, Russian hacker attacks on the head office of a political party are all part of our daily online businesses, for governments too. Governments play various roles here. They are internet users and rely on information on the internet. They are also suppliers of online information and in these roles they are connected to citizens, companies and other governmental organisations. Because of the role they play in society, the government possesses huge quantities of – often sensitive – information. They have the legal and moral obligation to be careful with this information and to secure it properly. Providing adequate security for information, however, is not an easy task for governments, especially because they usually do not operate in isolation. What factors threaten the security of government information and the systems involved? And who is accountable for the security of the information chains that are becoming complex as a consequence of cooperation between organisations?

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