

De prijs van openheid: een inleiding tot het themanummer informatieveiligheid

Trefwoorden cybersecurity, government, hackers, leaks, governance
Auteurs Dr. Haiko van der Voort, Wouter Kisteman MSc en Drs. Henk Wesseling

Dr. Haiko van der Voort

Wouter Kisteman MSc

Drs. Henk Wesseling
  • Samenvatting

      Cybersecurity is daily news. Data leaks and hackers are common features in the media. We tend to look to the government when things go wrong: what is the government doing about it? In this special issue we also look to the government and ask ourselves whether we are ready for the challenges of cybersecurity. Asking this question is simple. Answering it, however, requires sophisticated knowledge. This includes knowledge about the technology of today and the future. It also includes knowledge about governance. Who should be prepared in the age of distributed responsibilities? Which public and private parties can enhance cybersecurity, including you and me? Finally, what is does ‘being prepared’ mean exactly? This special issue includes three academic articles, five interviews and a column. Cybersecurity is viewed from different academic perspectives and professional positions. In its entirety, this special issue provides state-of-the-art of academic and professional thinking on government cybersecurity.

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