

Lokale energiecoöperaties: nieuwe spelers in de energie

Trefwoorden energy co-operatives, wind energy, solar parks
Auteurs Hans Elzenga en Anne Marieke Schwencke

Hans Elzenga
H. Elzenga is senior beleidsonderzoeker nationaal klimaat- en energiebeleid bij het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving. Momenteel is hij betrokken bij de Nationale Energieverkenning 2015 (NEV 2015), en hij heeft voorheen onderzoeken gedaan naar Green Deal beleid energie, energiecoöperaties, warmtepompen, enzovoort.

Anne Marieke Schwencke
A.M. Schwencke (AS I-Search) is zelfstandig energieonderzoeker. Sinds 2012 richt ze zich op de lokale energiemarkt en coöperatieve beweging. Ze werkt samen met partijen als het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving, ODE Decentraal/HIER Opgewekt, Netbeheer Nederland, Liander, Stichting DOEN en het Programmabureau Warmte Zuid-Holland.
  • Samenvatting

      Currently, in the Netherlands there are about 150 energy co-operatives are actively working on the promotion of energy use reduction and renewable energy production. Among them are 15 experienced wind energy co-operatives that started almost 25 years ago, but the majority started in 2007 or later. Their aim is to mobilize investments in local renewable energy and social projects, and to use the revenues to enhance the local economy and social cohesion. The members of the co-operative become co-owners of the production units and collectively decide about the allocation of the revenues for new energy projects.In practice, new, inexperienced co-operatives in particular have difficulties realizing larger projects like wind turbines and solar parks. Fierce resistance from the local community is hampering wind projects, while limited financial support (i.e. subsidies) is the main obstacle for the realization of solar parks. In our view, it would help Dutch co-operatives if local politicians were to take a clear position on wind energy and act accordingly, and if the Dutch government were to broaden the financial support schemes for cooperatively owned and financed solar parks.

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