Beleid en Maatschappij


Klokkenluiden in de wetenschap

In het hol van de leeuw

Trefwoorden whistleblowing, research integrity, research misconduct, retaliation, stress
Auteurs Steven De Peuter en Gert Storms

Steven De Peuter
Dr. Steven De Peuter is postdoctoraal onderzoeker wetenschappelijke integriteit aan KU Leuven.

Gert Storms
Prof. Dr. Gert Storms is gewoon hoogleraar aan de faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen van KU Leuven.
  • Samenvatting

      Research integrity has received increased attention, in the literature as well as in policy. A host of initiatives is supporting its promotion. However, misconduct will not cease to exist and needs to be reported, by whistleblowers. It takes a lot of courage to blow the whistle as it can have an enormous impact on the whistleblower’s career and personal well-being – and that of colleagues and researchers associated with the perpetrator. Therefore, it is important to be cognisant of the stressful process that accompanies the act of whistleblowing, to provide clear and accessible procedures to report misconduct, and to support whistleblowers throughout the process. Furthermore, it is essential that appropriate whistleblower protection measures are in place and enforced. Based on the current review of the literature, we provide some recommendations for policy and argue that an obligation to report scientific misconduct would currently do more harm than good.

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