Beleid en Maatschappij


Interbestuurlijke verhoudingen in de bed-bad-broodcasus

Een lokaal perspectief

Trefwoorden policy freedom, multilevel governance, principal agent theory, stewardship theory, management style
Auteurs Niek Bakker

Niek Bakker
Niek Bakker, MSc, is docent maatschappijleer aan het Calvijn College in Goes.
  • Samenvatting

      This article describes the relationship between central government and municipalities and to what extent this relationship has an impact on local decision-making. The commonly used characterization of this relationship as a principal-agent relationship offers many leads but has some shortcomings. That is why this is compared with the stewardship theory, assuming a more equal and constructive cooperation. Both theories have been incorporated into a broader model on management styles, which creates a more nuanced description of the cooperation in public administration. The article focuses on the case of Rotterdam in 2015, at a time of political turmoil in the Netherlands about the shelter of people without residence permit. The analysis is carried out using a measuring instrument for policy freedom, as policy freedom is a good determinant for which management style is used. The research is conducted from a local perspective, with emphasis on the position of councilors. The national government sometimes profiles itself as a principal to them, but in practice council members resist and turn the relationship around, hereby holding the government accountable for its role and responsibility.

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