Beleid en Maatschappij


Burgerschap in Nederland 1992-2008: voortschrijdend inzicht?

Auteurs Herman van Gunsteren

Herman van Gunsteren
Herman van Gunsteren is emeritus hoogleraar politieke theorieën en rechtsfilosofie aan de Universiteit Leiden. Tevens is hij rapporteur Nieuwspoort 2009. Correspondentiegegevens: Prof. dr. H. van Gunsteren Murillostraat 5 1077 ND Amsterdam
  • Samenvatting

      This article traces the redefinition of citizenship that Dutch governments have tried to accomplish through legislation and various policy initiatives. The classical liberal notion of citizenship is said to provide insufficient social cohesion. More emphasis on integration into the typically Dutch culture is offered as a remedy. Newcomers are only accepted as full citizens after they have been introduced and trained in the essential elements of this culture. Criticisms of this policy are presented. Lately the government itself seems to have second thoughts on the definition of citizenship.

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