In Flanders, every political party has its own political foundation or study centre. Although their importance for the party organisation is widely recognised, a systematic and comparative analysis of these study centres is still lacking. This article is the first attempt to address this empirical void. Based on document analysis, interviews and survey material, we analyse the basic characteristics of the study centres of seven Flemish parties, covering all major political families. We compare their size, internal structure and autonomy vis-à-vis the party, explore the advisors’ profile and background and discuss the generation and products of advice. We conclude that despite their heterogeneity Flemish study centres share a common but limited functionality, being more of an extension of political parties than classical think tanks. |
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Article |
Tussen politieke partijen en think tanksEen verkennende analyse van de Vlaamse partijstudiediensten |
Trefwoorden | Political party, study centre, think tank, Flanders, policy advice |
Auteurs | Valérie Pattyn, Steven Van Hecke, Marleen Brans e.a. |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Article |
Hoe tweederangs zijn lokale verkiezingen?Een analyse van de Nederlandse gemeenteraadsverkiezingen 2010 vanuit het perspectief van second-order elections |
Trefwoorden | Second-order elections, Netherlands, municipal elections, aggregate studies |
Auteurs | Herman Lelieveldt en Ramon van der Does |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Studies of second-order elections using aggregate data have predominantly focused on examining the extent to which European parliament elections and regional elections are dominated by the national, first-order arena, and paid scarce attention to the analysis of municipal elections. In addition the study of second-order elections is dominated by looking at the impact of first-order factors whilst ignoring the impact of arena-specific factors. This article addresses these shortcomings by analyzing the impact of national and local factors on the performance of national parties in the Dutch municipal elections of 2010. Our analysis shows that there are significant effects of local factors. Most parties lose votes when having been in local government and in some cases as well when having in addition lost an alderman as a result of a political crisis. Parties also lose vote share as a result of the entrance of new national and local parties in a local election, with the effect of new national entrants being larger than that of new local entrants. Our analysis corroborates earlier findings that point to a dominance of national factors, while at the same time showing that it is vital to include local, arena specific factors in order to get to a better estimation of the second-orderness of non-national elections. We discuss our results with respect to the recurring debate about the nationalisation of the Dutch municipal elections. |
Article |
Het meten van discourscoalities met discoursnetwerkanalyseNaar een formele analyse van het politieke vertoog |
Trefwoorden | Discourse analysis, social network analysis, discourse coalitions, policy conflict, methodology, public policy |
Auteurs | Allan Muller |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Since the ‘argumentative turn’ in policy analysis scholars have increasingly focused on discourse as an explanatory factor for the analysis policy processes. This has resulted in a proliferation of rich and deep qualitative discourse-analytical studies on a vast range of policy controversies. However, these studies have two important shortcomings: firstly, they offer limited possibilities for comparative research, because they lack an objectified and standardized measuring instrument. Secondly, according to some critics, these studies do not live up to scientific standards. |
Essay |
Het compromis 2.0.De meerwaarde van het uitruilprincipe voor de Nederlandse en Belgische politiek |
Auteurs | Nicolas Bouteca en Bart-Jan Heine |
Auteursinformatie |
Symposium |
Het electorale succes van het euroscepticisme |
Auteurs | André Krouwel, Yordan Kutiyski, Nathalie Brack e.a. |
Auteursinformatie |
Research Note |
De belofte van nieuw institutionalismeEen verklaring van de afwezigheid van een Wereld of Verenigde Naties Milieu Organisatie |
Auteurs | Marjanneke J. Vijge |
Auteursinformatie |
Research Note |
Wat markten (niet) kunnen betekenen voor klimaatbeleid |
Auteurs | Gert Spaargaren en Arthur Mol |
Auteursinformatie |
Research Note |
De ideologische afstand tussen partijenEen vergelijkende studie naar de overbrugde afstand bij partijwissels |
Auteurs | Ruth Dassonneville en Yves Dejaeghere |
Auteursinformatie |