DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647002012054004002

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Een gemiste kans? De rol van YouTube in de verkiezingscampagne van 2010

Trefwoorden YouTube, Web 2.0, election campaigns, political advertising, Obama, the Netherlands
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Annemarie S. Walter en Philip van Praag, "Een gemiste kans? De rol van YouTube in de verkiezingscampagne van 2010", Res Publica, 4, (2012):443-464

    This article is one of the first to systematically examine parties’ use of YouTube in Dutch election campaigns and to consider its effects. Content analysis of 406 YouTube ads and additional research show that nine political parties made use of this new campaign instrument in the 2010 Dutch parliamentary election campaign. However, unlike U.S. presidential candidate Obama, the parties did not really use YouTube to mobilize and involve voters. Instead, YouTube was used only as a means to broadcast advertisements for the party. These ads only reached a small audience and had little influence online as well as in the print media. Furthermore, this study examines which of these ads were more likely to reach a large number of viewers. The results demonstrate that short, comparative ads that contain the party leader, that are uploaded early on in the campaign, that stem from small or winning parties and that have numerous links on external websites are likely to reach more viewers.

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