In 2006, the European Union was still suffering from a legitimacy crisis following the ill-fated referenda on the Constitutional Treaty in 2005. Nevertheless, this overview of different internal and external European initiatives in 2006 presents a more ambiguous picture. On the one hand, EU policy-makers failed to gather momentum for new and ambitious European initiatives; on the other hand the EU did make some progress in a number of new and running dossiers. |
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Overview |
Overzicht van het Belgische politiek gebeuren in 2006 |
Auteurs | Mark Deweerdt |
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Belgian Politics in 2006 |
Auteurs | Sam Depauw en Mark Deweerdt |
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De Europese Unie in 2006: geen nieuws is ook geen goed nieuws |
Auteurs | Hendrik Vos, Jan Orbie en An Schrijvers |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Overview |
Overzicht van het Vlaamse politiek gebeuren in 2006 |
Auteurs | Bart Haeck |
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De gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 8 oktober 2006Evolutie sinds 1976 |
Auteurs | Johan Ackaert, Herwig Reynaert, Koenraad De Ceuninck e.a. |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The 2006 local elections in Belgium were the first one organised after the transfer of the local authorities competences from the federal to the regional level. This means by consequence that the different regions have as well the competence in designing the institutional framework of local government as the competence of changing electoral rules. The same elections were also the first ones after drastic reforms in the national political landscape (eg., the democratic Flemish nationalist party split in different groups, nearly all the parties changed their name and particularly in the Flemish part of the country, different kinds of alliances between parties emerged). |
Article |
De provincieraadsverkiezingen van 8 oktober 2006Electorale tendensen in Vlaanderen en Wallonië |
Auteurs | Tony Valcke, Herwig Reynaert, Kristof Steyvers e.a. |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The 2006 provincial elections in Belgium were the first organised after the transfer of the bulk of competences on local and provincial government from the federal to the regional level. This means that the different regions have both the competence to redesign the institutional framework on provincial government and to change the electoral rules. The government has exercised its competence: some institutional and electoral rules are now different in the two regions. These elections were also the first after drastic reforms in the national political landscape (e.g., the democratic Flemish nationalist party split in different groups, nearly all the parties changed their name and different kinds of cartels and alliances between parties emerged, especially in the Flemish part of the country). |
Morphology |
Morfologie van de Vlaamse politieke partijen in 2005 en 2006 |
Auteurs | Jo Noppe |
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