DOI: 10.5553/PLC/.000083A

Politics of the Low CountriesAccess_open


Appendix – Affective Polarisation in Citizens’ Own Words: Understanding Group Construction Beyond Party Lines

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Henry Maes, Ambroos Verwee, Lien Smets e.a. , "Appendix – Affective Polarisation in Citizens’ Own Words: Understanding Group Construction Beyond Party Lines", Politics of the Low Countries, 3, (2024):1-12

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This research was supported by the Excellence of Science (EoS) program, funded by Le Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) and the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen (FWO), under the following grants: EOS RepResent project (FNRS-FWO funding n° G0F0218N) and EOS NotLikeUs project (FWO no. G0H0322N; FNRS no. RG3139). The authors thank participants of the 2023 ECPR General Conference, in the Affective Polarization section, for their constructive suggestions. Special thanks also go to the anonymous reviewers, whose valuable comments greatly contributed to improving this article. The authors are grateful to the members of the NotLikeUs research team, especially I. Goovaerts and E. Severs, for their insightful comments. Additional thanks are extended to the researchers who contributed to data collection during the RepResent project: K. Amara-Hammou, G. Petit, H. Mercenier, F. Randour, R. van der Does, S. Verhaegen, K. Celis, K. Deschouwer, and B. Rihoux. Finally, the authors would like to express their deepest gratitude to the focus group participants who generously spent over two hours in discussions in Brussels, sharing their perspectives on politics and contributing to the richness of this research.

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