

De realiteit voorbij het Haagse beleid

Oorzaken voor de kloof tussen ambitieus buitenlandbeleid en de realiteit

Trefwoorden policy goals, fragile contexts, sphere of influence, contextualisation, evidence based
Auteurs Caspar Lobbrecht en Rens Willems

Caspar Lobbrecht
Drs. C.F. Lobbrecht is als senior onderzoeker werkzaam bij IOB, de inhoudelijk onafhankelijke evaluatiedirectie van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.

Rens Willems
Dr. R.C. Willems is als senior onderzoeker werkzaam bij IOB, de inhoudelijk onafhankelijke evaluatiedirectie van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.
  • Samenvatting

      The recently published IOB evaluation on Dutch efforts to promote stability in fragile contexts identifies an incompatible gap between the ambitious policy goals and the limited sphere of influence of the policy. This article discusses four structural causes behind this gap. First, policy goals are generally too focused on the political context in The Hague, with insufficient attention given to the specific context in which the policy is to be implemented. Second, the fear of negative publicity hinders a transparent flow of information about policy results. Third, there is not enough focus on learning from the implementation of policy in fragile and conflict-affected areas. Finally, insufficient consideration is given – even in advance – to existing knowledge and insights from research and evaluation. The gap between unrealistic objectives and the limited sphere of influence is problematic; when political ambitions and promises are not fulfilled, it can undermine support and trust.

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