In this article the main question is if care for elderly people meets the justice criteria guaranteeing ‘participatory parity’ as formulated by the political philosopher Nancy Fraser (1989). After introducing justice as participatory parity the article elaborates the ambivalent relationship of care for elderly with concepts as bodily fragility, vulnerability and dependency, and its consequences for participation on equal footing. Then we explore two dominant European discourses on care for elderly, respectively the ‘Long-Term Care’- and the ‘Active Ageing’-discourse, each inspiring EU Member States’ struggle with providing ‘just’ care to ageing populations. Although social care is a Member States’ issue, not belonging to EU jurisdiction, the EU gives ambivalent direction to policy reforms via agenda setting, advice and program subsidies due to the two struggling discourse logics. We show this ambivalence by presenting gaps and biases in long-term care for elderly people in several European countries. Finally, we present, on basis of a cross-national study on care practices, implications of failing care policies and current discourses for older care-receivers and their care workers. The article concludes with an alternative care-regime based on justice as participatory parity. |

Beleid en Maatschappij
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Van de redactie |
Het belang van verhalen ver- en hertalen |
Auteurs | Mark van Ostaijen |
Auteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Rechtvaardige zorg voor ouderen in Europees perspectief |
Trefwoorden | Elderly care, Justice, Active Ageing, Long-Term Care, European perspective |
Auteurs | Trudie Knijn en Jing Hiah |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Trefwoorden | Urban politics, depoliticisation, Roma, Sinti and Travellers, Caravan politics, Netherlands |
Auteurs | Dominic Teodorescu |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This article analyses the depoliticisation of Dutch caravan politics, which has resulted in massive pitch shortages threatening the existence of the specific caravan housing culture of Dutch Travellers, Sinti and Roma groups. The rationality underlying the repressive governance of caravans is understood as a depoliticised affirmation of technocratic solutions to an unwanted and racialised housing culture. However, as in many other European countries, Dutch authorities have been summoned to work on Roma and Traveller inclusion programmes and address pitch shortages. The increased pressure on the Dutch government culminated in 2018 when it adopted a new framework that prohibits any further measures to repress caravan culture. In what follows, a situated account of depoliticised caravan politics – and resistance to it (i.e. re-politicisation efforts) – is presented by examining the case of Teersdijk, a large campsite in the city of Nijmegen. |
Reflectie & debat |
Reflecties op het WRR-rapport GripInleiding |
Auteurs | Robert van Putten en Mark van Ostaijen |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Reflection and debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda. |
Reflectie & debat |
Het bestuur van onzekerheid |
Auteurs | Richard de Brabander |
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Reflectie & debat |
Auteurs | Jan Martijn Abrahamse, Wim Dekker en Robert van Putten |
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Reflectie & debat |
Grip zonder zelfreflectieDe ironie van beleidsadviezen |
Auteurs | Sharon Stellaard |
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Reflectie & debat |
Een legitimatie van het neoliberale project? |
Auteurs | Will Tiemeijer |
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Reflectie & debat |
Epiloog |
Auteurs | Robert van Putten en Mark van Ostaijen |
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Reflectie & debat |
Doe je voordeel met de gedragswetenschap! |
Auteurs | Will Tiemeijer en van |
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Boekensignalement |
Wat verklaart de rancune in de regio richting de Randstad? |
Auteurs | Simon Otjes |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In this feature authors review recently published books on subjects of interest to readers of Beleid en Maatschappij. |